Hey Bronco members, did you know that your membership can help you save big money on the things you buy from national retailers? Really.
As a credit union member, you already have a number of advantages working in your favor. But there's more, much more...
Your Bronco membership and the Invest in America program offer you the opportunity to:
It’s true. Simply click on LoveMyCreditUnion.org and start saving.
A little back story. Lovemycreditunion.org was established in 2005 in support of the CU Difference campaign, created to educate consumers about how credit unions are different from banks and why we are sure that our way of conducting business is better for consumers. In further support of credit unions and their members, the Invest in America program was established in 2008.
Originally, Invest in America provided a way for credit unions to get big discounts on vehicles purchased through General Motors to help support the failing U.S. automotive industry. Over the years, a number of other partners have been added to a program called Shop America, to help credit union members save even more money on everyday purchases.
To read more about Invest in America and Shop America and how they can benefit your and your family as Bronco members, visit Lovemycreditunion.org.